A Philosophy of Art
Now that I'm generating pieces at a fairly decent clip and within a variety of mediums it does'nt mean I've forgotten what the art is all about. My being so busy is about how full of creativity I am right now and I guess you could say I am tripping over myself in an effort to get it out of my head and onto paper so to speak. Well generally this happens with my writing too and verily I say to you this is how I am naturally, it's not just the caffeine! I'm always creating, always working. Though I don't stand much on Jackson Pollock's creations, I do agree with what he was getting at: that the point of art is to get to the heart of creation and yourself perhaps and isn't that exactly what we try to do in life? We are all seeking purpose, the raison d' etre even if art or life bites back we keep on trying. Believe me art and life have bitten back at me more than once and I'm sure they did with Pollock too. So I seek to get to the heart of art, to interpret my experience of art for myself and for others and to seek out the heart of life and creation that exists within the aesthetic. To boldy go where many have gone before but with my own unique lense. I tend to resolve the difficulties of drawing and composition's relationship to visual impact through a variety of encounters with subject and medium. The result is what you see here and I can extend through both visual and written forms of the communication. Now we see that the heart of the matter is in fact communication, the artist and writer are both heavily engaged in a manner or process of communication, not always neccesarily with the audience but often it is a dialectic with self.
Check back later and see what I am working on now. Also I'd hoped to have the photography postings up sooner but right now my camera has a dead battery so as soon as I can get to the store...