Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Why Don't They Just Shoot Them?

They do. In some cases. Regarding my most recent post about the bus incident, a friend brought up this question this afternoon. In Winnipeg just around the same time as we are all getting angry about the bus incident, Winnipeg police shot and killed a native guy, Craig McDougall, for reportedly brandishing a knife at police during a domestic disturbance and police shot and killed him. Hmm so then there's this guy holed up on the bus, police are called to the scene, it's a standoff of sorts since he is not getting off the bus and is surrounded by law enforcement and guess what, he is brandishing a knife and does not get shot or even tazered???
What's up with that. For some strange reason they shoot this Craig fellow who didn't do anything I understand and yet this other guy has already killed someone and is showing off his head and the police don't shoot him??? I don't get that. For heaven's sake even the family of McDougall made this same comment in their interview for the news story. Li should be dead. Poor Craig is and really, if you read the stories in the news, he did diddley, nada zippity. Some politician should try to explain this bizzare and rare incident to me-and soon because the faith I have in law enforcement is going into the tank in a great big hurry. Nuff said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

one, the people on the bus did the right thing. It is very easy for people who have never experienced extreme violence to sit back and wonder why anyone "didn't do anything?"
Two, if it had happened in the States, the police would have shot and killed a person that had just slaughtered someone & was waving around the head.
Three, lets see what happens to this murderer in the Canadian Justice systm.