Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Discover a bold and beautiful New Year!

Well I am back posting. Hey I just liked that headline, I felt I had to say something with new year in it. If I had a toy store I would advertise it by saying "...find the imaginitive life of a child all in one store!" Well I need to stop hanging out at Toys R Us! I don't want to work there but I like to play there. I've no more new pix yet so if you want to see more artwork you'll need to scroll down or visit the archives. Don't forget if you are in Edmonton on Monday the 22nd come and hear me read from my current work in progress at the Stroll of Poets "Haven" reading series. It goes at 7PM at the Upper Crust Cafe, 10909 86 Ave. If you can't make it, read it on this blog.
Until next time then.