Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Jesus and Mary Doll Set
Update! I've just finished the Mary doll so now there are two dolls in the line for the 'Spiritual Joys Collection' - Heavenly Dolls. I don't know but there's something about these dolls. I think talking to the dolls is therapeutic. Also if you have one of a loved one who is away, that would also be the case. Perhaps for families and children who have a family member serving in the armed forces overseas to have a doll of them would be especially beneficial. Remember to let me know what you think via comments or email me.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

My Latest Project
I have just started another summer project in cloth doll making. I call them "Loved One" dolls. If you are missing someone you love, just have a photo of their face put onto a doll. Great for moms and kids alike. The sample shown at left is my "Jesus Doll". He is great to hug and talk to! You can order these dolls directly from me via email, I can custom make to order. Some of the spiritual dolls may be available for sale in local outlets also...watch this blog for news.
Copies of the "Sentinel" historic poetry chapbook, prints & cards of Lacombe's Flat Iron building are now available for purchase at the Interpretive Centre in Lacombe.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Live Earth - Love the Earth

Here I am showing my support for LIVE EARTH. What a great concert! This is my artwork titled "Earth Koi" which I dedicate today to all the people who are responsible for and who attended, organized or participated in some way to put on the Live Earth concert. It's a great day. Show your support, reuse, recycle do whatever you can, it's the only Earth we've got. Love the Earth!