Monday, December 03, 2007

Christmas is Coming!
The first Sunday of the Advent Season is behind us already and of course that means that Christmas is coming soon! This is our tree from 2006, I just haven't gotten around to uploading this year's tree and decoration pix yet. I don't expect to be blogging much during the holidays as you know it is such a busy time, but hopefully I can get the 2007 pix up before it gets too late!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Goodbye Teagan, 1990 to 2007

It is with great sadness that I have to report the passing of a beloved pet. Teagan passed away peacefully in her sleep this afternoon. The last of the "Three Mousekateers" is now gone. She is at last reunited with Luba and T'Pau.

The following poem is dedicated to her.

No more the velvet touch
soft and silky on my skin
her warmth in my lap
like warm red wine
mournful sax wails sounding like her voice
plaintive, questioning
but she is gone
I won’t hear her in the night, rustling
She won’t rest her head on my arm anymore.
Someday when the wind is licking at the clouds in the sky
I’ll smile and think of her
in the tall grass, crouching for bird or butterfly
but right now I cry, for she is gone.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Be Art Aware!

There's no excuse as we've got plenty of it around Lacombe and Red Deer areas.

Here are some updates on the art scene in our area:

Have you seen how the wall murals are coming along in the downtown? Well go check out the amazing work of artist/muralist Tim Giles. You now have a viable excuse to hang around in the backalleys! The poem below is dedicated to this artist.

Portrait of the Artist as Creator

By blue jean

Not always white and stark beginnings, I like to create my own background in colour.
Sacred, creator, pulling worlds out of my head, my vision comes alive at my hand, I am the god of this wall.
Studied strokes form the criss-cross patterns
and as you stand back
the shape becomes apparent.
I have made hills and trees, prairies lush and green, paddocks and grazing horses, buildings and people,
times beyond my memory.
In my own epoch,
the world is made canvas, and I draw our dreams on it.
Red Deer
Check out for information on the Harris-Warke Gallery's 4th Annual Fundraiser.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

New Blog Exclusively for the Lacombe 2007 Municipal Election

I've decided to run a blog just for the election. All future election and campaign info will be posted there. Find it at: .
See you there!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

I want to keep this blog as for my activities in the arts but by now, most of you may have heard that I am running for a Lacombe Town Council seat. I hope you will leave your questions and comments on my blog. To my new visitors: Please comment or email me with your concerns. You can also get detailed information on issues and concerns by visiting my other blog, Watch these spaces for updates and please get out and vote on October 15!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I've been busy. Here are some of my latest works.
On the left, "El Gato Negro" and on the right, "Pink Guava Martingo" a set of three.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

We Will Remember You

This year I have no words. Just the picture I posted last year.


Monday, September 10, 2007

A Quick Note

Just a quick note to let you know that I will be at Lacombe's Active Living Fair this Wednesday, September 12th at the new Lacombe Memorial Centre with my Art & Writing workshop information for this fall. If you want to find out more you'll just have to come out to the fair and see me. Come out and support your local organizations and see what they have to offer for your interests and recreation. Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

New Poetry

Believe it or not, despite all the painting and busy time I still have a few moments to complete some new poetry. It is part of the book I am working on entitled "The Poetry Diet" and of course it is all fat free!


The men eat the forests
mouths grinding with chainsaws
until centuries of tree life become mythology,
furniture and building supplies.

In a small apartment or spacious house
our future is consumed, traded on present comforts
supply and demand
and the consistent abuse is spoken as a
casual conversation around an oak dining room table.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Art Update

Here are a couple of recently completed works. "Angel" and
"Lost in Steak."

Commemoration for August 9, 1945
Three days after the Enola Gay and her crew dropped the "Little Boy" atomic bomb on Hiroshima, another bomb "Fat Man" was unleashed on the city of Nagasaki.
J. Robert Oppenheimer (visit was head of the project that developed the bomb.
This is a poem I wrote about him.

"I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds"
his words, read from the Gita, reaching out through the newsreels as
his work reached out to the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

How could he have lived after,
enjoyed one moment,
one single minute of peace
the isotope of his life decaying predictably
as he moved towards this sin
with help from others
some who survived to stoke cold war fires
thinking God, three-person or otherwise, was a no brainer
and Robert, mind filled with brilliance and disease
a sickness that steals your reality
for him it wouldn’t hurt to be brain compartmentalized
arrogant, quirky Einstein countenance
no belief in luck, only assigned value
quantum acceptance, without social reaction or interactions
neither positive nor negative
the poor little rich kid with a beautiful mind
teaching himself Sanskrit and reading Dante in Italian
to fill the gaps of lonely in Los Alamos
had no understanding of the relations of man to his society,
was just a trace particle ripping through time space
on a ride along with Fermi, Toynbee, Rutherford and Bohr.

I always wondered about you Robert, wan and slight at the rudder of your little sailboat
chasing a summer squall across a small lake
just a kid trying to make your parents look,
a boy locked naked in the icehouse
pondering the penetrating power of poetry and electrons
without being able to figure out how to fit in the human social environment.
You remind me of myself, I hope I don’t learn to blow anything up.

Note: Nobel Prize winning Physicist, Paul Dirac, a friend to Oppenheimer and one who also studied poetry, was moved to say "In physics we try to tell people things in such a way that they understand something that nobody knew before. In the case of poetry it's the exact opposite" (Goodchild, 1980, p.21) People have asked why I would write about a non-Canadian scientist and I tell them that what he participated in affected the entire world, including Canada, also it is interesting to note that Canada sold both the British and Americans Uranium for their atomic bomb experiments, from Eldorado, a private radium-mining company headquartered in Port Hope, Ontario.

Works Cited:
Goodchild, Peter. J. Robert Oppenheimer, "Shatterer of Worlds". London, England: BBC, 1980.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Remembering Hiroshima

I think we can best commemorate this anniversary ( 62 years hence today) by watching this video featuring OMD's song "Enola Gay". This posting is intended as a memorial for this date and all those in Japan who died.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Jesus and Mary Doll Set
Update! I've just finished the Mary doll so now there are two dolls in the line for the 'Spiritual Joys Collection' - Heavenly Dolls. I don't know but there's something about these dolls. I think talking to the dolls is therapeutic. Also if you have one of a loved one who is away, that would also be the case. Perhaps for families and children who have a family member serving in the armed forces overseas to have a doll of them would be especially beneficial. Remember to let me know what you think via comments or email me.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

My Latest Project
I have just started another summer project in cloth doll making. I call them "Loved One" dolls. If you are missing someone you love, just have a photo of their face put onto a doll. Great for moms and kids alike. The sample shown at left is my "Jesus Doll". He is great to hug and talk to! You can order these dolls directly from me via email, I can custom make to order. Some of the spiritual dolls may be available for sale in local outlets this blog for news.
Copies of the "Sentinel" historic poetry chapbook, prints & cards of Lacombe's Flat Iron building are now available for purchase at the Interpretive Centre in Lacombe.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Live Earth - Love the Earth

Here I am showing my support for LIVE EARTH. What a great concert! This is my artwork titled "Earth Koi" which I dedicate today to all the people who are responsible for and who attended, organized or participated in some way to put on the Live Earth concert. It's a great day. Show your support, reuse, recycle do whatever you can, it's the only Earth we've got. Love the Earth!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

More recent work
Ok as promised my Kiwi far.
I didn't take the greatest pix of these as I was in a hurry but you kinda get the idea. I really like these fruit and beverage. They turned out better than I hoped. Next I am working on Raspberry, Papaya and some Red Wine.

Monday, June 18, 2007

New Work

Once again I've changed subjects and, as they say, and now for something completely different. Here's a peek at some of my latest work which I hope will be showing up in the gallery in September.

Pictured are "Pomartini" and "Four Chambered Pomegranate"

Saturday, June 09, 2007

A Philosophy of Art

Now that I'm generating pieces at a fairly decent clip and within a variety of mediums it does'nt mean I've forgotten what the art is all about. My being so busy is about how full of creativity I am right now and I guess you could say I am tripping over myself in an effort to get it out of my head and onto paper so to speak. Well generally this happens with my writing too and verily I say to you this is how I am naturally, it's not just the caffeine! I'm always creating, always working. Though I don't stand much on Jackson Pollock's creations, I do agree with what he was getting at: that the point of art is to get to the heart of creation and yourself perhaps and isn't that exactly what we try to do in life? We are all seeking purpose, the raison d' etre even if art or life bites back we keep on trying. Believe me art and life have bitten back at me more than once and I'm sure they did with Pollock too. So I seek to get to the heart of art, to interpret my experience of art for myself and for others and to seek out the heart of life and creation that exists within the aesthetic. To boldy go where many have gone before but with my own unique lense. I tend to resolve the difficulties of drawing and composition's relationship to visual impact through a variety of encounters with subject and medium. The result is what you see here and I can extend through both visual and written forms of the communication. Now we see that the heart of the matter is in fact communication, the artist and writer are both heavily engaged in a manner or process of communication, not always neccesarily with the audience but often it is a dialectic with self.

Check back later and see what I am working on now. Also I'd hoped to have the photography postings up sooner but right now my camera has a dead battery so as soon as I can get to the store...

Thursday, May 31, 2007

My art display at the Gallery On Main, Lacombe.
Ok my bad for not posting more frequently! Already a
month since my last one. Right after the art show I was busy getting ready for another show. I've been painting up a storm and working on my crosses for sale this summer. Time flies and the Spring Show at the gallery was last weekend. I'll post a pic of my display after this post. Now I can relax a bit. We have a sale coming up on June 9th so I will post info here next week.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Okay it’s that time of year again. I can’t believe it’s come back around so quickly! Seems it was not too long that I was getting ready for the 7th Annual and now here it is, almost here the 8th Annual Lacombe Art Exhibit & Sale!
Get ready to be wowed by the outstanding talent of local area artists once again on April 27, 28 & 29 at the Lacombe Curling Club.
This local show grows with every passing year and exhibitors and the public alike are thrilled with the uniqueness and quality of the show experience. The Gallery on Main is once again one of the local sponsors. If you have not visited the Gallery lately you are missing out. Jenna is pulling out all the stops and for a fresh and innovative display from Alberta’s original artists. You can view over 800 pieces now of fine art and craft by professional painters, potters, glassmakers, sculptors and more. Their Spring show is coming up in May so make sure to watch the ant for more details! Meanwhile you can take in the Lacombe Show to enjoy three exciting days featuring guest artist Pat Matheson of Bentley, delicious food from The Gourmet CafĂ© operated by
The Pallette Pleasers and of course the eclectic display and sale of work from over 50 artists. To address feedback from last year, show hours have been shortened slightly this year and run as follows:
1 to 8PM on Friday, 11AM to 6PM on Saturday and 11AM to 4PM on Sunday.
The Art Show Cometh

Ok it's practically here. I have been so busy getting ready for it that writing (other than that of the advertising my stuff for the show variety) has fallen by the wayside and that includes my journalling to this blog. It's late and I'm not even sure if I can spell anymore so please bear with me.
May as well write about the show then. The 8th Annual Lacombe Art Exhibit and Sale starts tomorrow and runs through Saturday and Sunday at the Curling Rink. There you will be able to view the works of over 50 local area artists and purchase original art, prints and cards.
I'm with a couple of other artists with The Gallery On Main booth. So if you are from around these parts please stop in it only costs $2.00 to get in and well worth it.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

You know, I am sooo tired of March looking like December should have looked! It's the first day of Spring and it's snowing! I think the guy on the radio said heavy snow...whaaat! It's almost Easter and let me tell you I refuse to do Palm Sunday in three feet of snow. Stay tuned!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

I Will Remember You

It's the reason I don't like March. The Ides. My best friend died on March 13th, 1995. My brother, Garry Ronald Cousins, known affectionately as "Gaz" died today, March 11th, 1983. Today this post is dedicated to both of them for Richard I say his favourite line from his favorite movie series, " I have been and always shall be, your friend. Cheers to you, Richard Gordon Austin Beal, I miss you. For Gaz, my brother, my twin separated by 14 years but I felt you as my twin brother none the less, I know you are near me at this time and I know you are happy. I just wish we could go have a drink together and maybe a dance, maybe in a hip nite spot in Spain again. You have climbed your stairway to Heaven and gotten off at the top. The top of your form, the top of your life. I love you guys.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Spring Please Come!

Oh yes. We need it really. Here in Central Alberta it's been winter weather for way to long. A sure sign of spring...I bought open toe shoes today. What I like about buying shoes is what most women like...fat or thin you can always get shoes. Even if you have big wide feet somehow it's not as bad as buying clothes. Shoes always look good-trust me. I have to wait tho till all the muck and wet is gone before I can wear my shoes outside or they'll get messed up. They are nice pumps in a suede leopard print...just my style. Do I need more shoes? No but that's the point. It's fun to buy and have them. I can reconcile the whole thing by saying some of my old worn out shoes are going to the garbage this spring and it that may happen or it may not. It doesn't matter. It's ok to buy shoes and feel good. They don't make you gain weight and hey if they were on sale it's a bargain. Did I mention also that Nectarine Cider is really good? Well it is. Maybe that's why I have so much to say about the shoes. Oh well. We enjoy it while we can. March may be back to Lion status next week but right now I am loving the Lamb.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Waiting For Spring

I've been busy but I've been sick too. The Cold from Hell. Anyway, I'm back. I still am not 100% but I am working towards feeling better and eagerly awaiting the arrival of spring. Shrove Tuesday is nearly upon us and Ash Wednesday is up to bat next and looking outside all I see is snow just mounds of it. But today we do have the sun and it is much warmer. That groundhog was on drugs. I am starting a painting today and our wine is done now too. Time moves on. The spring Art show needs to be prepared for because April is also not long away once things start on the thaw that will be it. Our band is getting ready to play actual gigs and I have not been able to sing for the last two weeks because of the cold. Comments about world affairs? None really. I look outside today and the sun warms and cheers me, I have little to gripe about or comment on, for now anyway. Here's a shot of my paintings in the gallery display. More news on that next time, later peoples!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Discover a bold and beautiful New Year!

Well I am back posting. Hey I just liked that headline, I felt I had to say something with new year in it. If I had a toy store I would advertise it by saying "...find the imaginitive life of a child all in one store!" Well I need to stop hanging out at Toys R Us! I don't want to work there but I like to play there. I've no more new pix yet so if you want to see more artwork you'll need to scroll down or visit the archives. Don't forget if you are in Edmonton on Monday the 22nd come and hear me read from my current work in progress at the Stroll of Poets "Haven" reading series. It goes at 7PM at the Upper Crust Cafe, 10909 86 Ave. If you can't make it, read it on this blog.
Until next time then.